Dutton Automotive Service, founded by Bern Bultman, has been providing quality car care in the Dutton and Caledonia area since 1975. In 2017, long time technician and employee Chris Rainer and his wife Monica purchased Dutton Automotive.
They are excited to continue to provide only the finest in customer service and automotive repair. Dutton Automotive is a family owned business delivering honest and professional repair and maintenance services.
The team of ASE (Automotive Service Excellence) certified technicians at Dutton Automotive serve the people of Dutton, Caledonia, and surrounding areas. They employ today’s latest automotive technology and are equipped to handle all major and minor repairs on foreign and domestic vehicles.
Dutton Automotive Service is a certified NAPA Auto Care Center.
We are able to provide the benefits of an established national entity while maintaining the personal touch of a family owned business. We understand that your vehicle is a major investment, and that is why we care for each customer’s vehicle as if it were our own.

Come by and visit our clean and professional shop in Caledonia Michigan.
Here at Dutton Automotive we are not only committed to exceptional quality and excellence in auto repair and personal service but also pride ourselves on our community involvement and partnership with numerous faith-based organizations and missionary projects.
We are very grateful to these organizations and ministries for their existence and willingness to work with us and through us to share our blessings. We are proud to, with their permission, list them here, many with links to their respective websites and contact information.
Through humble giving of our time, talent, and treasures we not only are blessed to provide monetary support but also give low and no cost auto repair to organizations, families, and individuals who are referred to us.
Over the past 7 years, Dutton Automotive has, through generous vehicle donations, been able to repair to a safe condition and give away several automobiles to families and individuals in need of basic transportation. We also have many regular customers that have dedicated their lives to helping the less fortunate and being the hands and feet of Christ, which we support through reduced or free car repairs to show our appreciation for their commitment.
Dutton Automotive also supports and have, in the past, participated with SOS Ministries in a yearly mission trip to Matamoros, Mexico.
This trip is a wonderful relation building time, as well as each of the 5-6 weeks of its duration 2-3 small home, are built and donated to families of the area who may simply be surviving with the clothes on their back and a makeshift lean-to for housing.
We would like to first thank God for His many blessings and favor to be equipped and able to shine the light of Jesus Christ through our business.
We also are very grateful for our military veterans and families as well as our local fire, police and all first responders who selflessly serve us.
To our customers, a heartfelt “Thank You” for being the best clients and friends we could ask for.
Through you and your patronage, we are able to strive to be the benchmark of automotive service and repair and always provide the quality auto repair experience you deserve.
Ministry/Organization Partnerships
Family Promise: http://www.familypromisegr.org/home
Wayfinders Ministries: http://www.wayfindersrefugeeministry.org/
Kentwood Community Church: http://www.kentwoodcommunitychurch.com
Dutton Elementary School/Caledonia public schools
Paul Gonzales SOS Ministries: http://www.sosministriestx.com/
Hometown Heroes http://hometown-heroes.org/
Community Basket of Dutton https://www.communitybasket.org